Dr. Russo has almost 25 years’ experience in the ECS and cannabis research space including his high-profile work as senior medical advisor at GW Pharmaceuticals and the medical monitor and study coordinator for the Sativex® and Epidiolex® trials, the only two cannabis-derived pharmaceuticals. A thought leader in the space, he is forever being asked, “What should we be working on?” CReDO Science will focus on exactly this in the context of making cannabis safer and better.

Initial CReDO Science efforts will concentrate in six areas for which provisional patents are in progress:
- a novel extraction technique for cannabis
- an over-the-counter product for a common condition for which current treatments are toxic or poorly effective
- a non-cannabinoid nutritional product from cannabis with expected broad anti-inflammatory effects
- two inexpensive diagnostic tests for two conditions that currently lack specific tools (so-called “diagnoses of exclusion”)
- a novel Corona virus-killing disinfectant.
What Does it Mean to Make Cannabis Safer and Better?
- Understanding dysregulation in the ECS is core to developing products to modulate it.
- Developing diagnostic tools where there are none in areas of critical unmet need. Once the diagnostics are in place, it opens the door to developing treatments.
- Identifying superior genetics that make creating individualized medicine easier. The cannabis plant produces a cornucopia of therapeutic phytochemicals. Finding them in optimized, or close to right, balance ensures a superior product for the end user.
- Creating and applying novel extraction methods to capture phytochemicals as they exist in the plant, with greater yields and preserved ratios means better medicine for the consumer and more production/economic efficiencies for manufacturers.
- Creating ECS system support products for treatment and prevention that are non-toxic, highly effective and affordable!
- CReDO Science has chosen to focus on these project areas because we believe them to be foundational to the overall advancement of cannabis science. The next frontier in the cannabis industry is biopharma, which we consider to be the development of whole plant cannabis pharmaceuticals, nutritional, wellness, lifestyle and industrial products.
Additionally, we are collaborating with best-in-class companies with whom we have shared values to enhance their product lines with new products and formulations.