Would you like to learn more about the Entourage Effect?
Preeminent medical cannabis researcher Dr. Ethan Russo presented background and results for the first research to demonstrate the Entourage Effect. This was an informative hour learning about how vaporized D-limonene reduces Delta-9 THC-induced anxiety in healthy adults.
The webinar addressed:
1) Historical review of limonene/citrus as an antidote to cannabis over-indulgence
2) The basic science of limonene effects on the brain
Dr. Russo will also provided background and review the outcomes of the recent peer-reviewed journal article: Vaporized D-limonene selectively mitigates the acute anxiogenic effects of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol in healthy adults who intermittently use cannabis.
This exciting research conducted at John Hopkins University School of Medicine and Colorado University’s (CU) Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, and the CU Department of Anesthesiology, is the first to scientifically demonstrate the Entourage Effect.
The webinar is now available for purchase and download at: https://buycredo.mm411.com/