Cannabis Research A novel medical science company Fri, 21 Feb 2025 19:55:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cannabis Research 32 32 History of Cannabis Prohibition and Scheduling Fri, 21 Feb 2025 19:55:30 +0000

Please join us for our next webinar, “History of Cannabis Prohibition and Scheduling”.

Dr. Russo will cover:

  1. Cannabis prohibition in the USA, established under false pretenses in 1937, has been an abject failure as have all such efforts with other substances worldwide.
  2. Cannabis was placed in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act in 1970 as a placeholder, and has remained there despite the recommendations of the Shafer Commission and various administrative law judges
  3. Cannabis does not fit in the established schedules and should be de-scheduled, legalized, and regulated for medical use, and other uses similar to alcohol and tobacco, which are much more dangerous substances.

This webinar will take place Thursday, March 13th, 2025, 11am PST/ 2pm EST on Zoom. It is free to attend.

ALS Webinar Sat, 01 Feb 2025 00:28:13 +0000 Please join us for our next webinar, “Update on ALS: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Cannabis, and Hope for the Future”.

The webinar will cover:

1) ALS is a terminal condition in which the motor neurons (nerves to the muscles) slowly deteriorate.
2) Despite decades of research, no breakthrough conventional treatments have emerged.
3) Various cannabis components target underlying pathology in ALS and offer the promise of palliatively treating its many symptoms.

This seminar is FREE to those who register via Zoom.

CBG Webinar Thu, 25 Jul 2024 22:23:40 +0000 This webinar discussed the July 2024 peer-reviewed publication “Acute effects of cannabigerol on anxiety, stress, and mood: a double blind, placebo controlled, crossover, field trial”, by Carrie Cuttler, Amanda Stueber, Ziva D. Cooper & Ethan Russo.

CBG Webinar 080724

Dr. Russo, preeminent pharmacologist, neurologist and medical cannabis researcher, presented the findings of this important work. It is the first randomized placebo controlled clinical trail to investigate the effects of cannabigerol (CBG) on anxiety, mood, and stress and is a major step forward in demonstrating safety and efficacy of the molecule.

This webinar:

1) Reviewed the history and basic science of CBG.
2) Reviewed the recent Scientific Reports article by Cuttler et al. demonstrating anti-anxiety and anti-stress responses of CBG without impairment in a randomized controlled trial
3) Provided a greater understanding of the therapeutic benefits of CBG

The webinar is now available for purchase and download at:

Limonene & THC: Support for Cannabis Synergy and the Entourage Effect Fri, 17 May 2024 15:46:39 +0000 Would you like to learn more about the Entourage Effect?

Limonene Webinar

Preeminent medical cannabis researcher Dr. Ethan Russo presented background and results for the first research to demonstrate the Entourage Effect. This was an informative hour learning about how vaporized D-limonene reduces Delta-9 THC-induced anxiety in healthy adults.

The webinar addressed:
1) Historical review of limonene/citrus as an antidote to cannabis over-indulgence
2) The basic science of limonene effects on the brain

Dr. Russo will also provided background and review the outcomes of the recent peer-reviewed journal article: Vaporized D-limonene selectively mitigates the acute anxiogenic effects of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol in healthy adults who intermittently use cannabis.

This exciting research conducted at John Hopkins University School of Medicine and Colorado University’s (CU) Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, and the CU Department of Anesthesiology, is the first to scientifically demonstrate the Entourage Effect.

The webinar is now available for purchase and download at:

Delta-8: History, Science, and the Law Webinar Mon, 11 Sep 2023 12:48:32 +0000 Delta 8 has become widely available across the U.S., but what do we really know about it?  And, is the Delta 8 in your vape and edible products the same as what occurs in the plant? On September 28th, 2023, we hosted a one-hour webinar featuring neurologist and industry expert, Dr. Ethan Russo, who presented the history and existing science on this molecule. Pioneering industry attorney, Lauren Rudick, was our guest speaking about the current Delta 8 legal landscape and what we can expect in the future. 

Delta 8 Webinar

The webinar covered:

  • Review the history of Delta 8
  • Summarize the existing science.
  • Present overview of current laws & potential changes

The webinar is now available online to purchase and watch on demand:

Open Q&A Session with Dr. Ethan Russo (Ethan Russo Trainee Prize Fundraiser) Mon, 13 Mar 2023 15:02:51 +0000 In honor of the first anniversary of the Ethan Russo Trainee Prize (The Prize), we hosted a free one-hour Q&A session on Thursday, March 30th, 2023. Donations to The Prize are encouraged and appreciated.

The Prize was established March 14, 2022, to commemorate Dr. Russo’s 70th birthday and honor his incredible contribution to the field of cannabis science.

To keep the spotlight on the critical need for research to support our burgeoning industry, Dr. Russo will talk briefly about the state of cannabis research and field general questions about cannabis, the ECS, dosing, and research.

This webinar has been made available for purchase and download here:

Learn more about the Ethan Russo trainee prize and donate here:

FREE Q&A with Dr. Ethan Russo Thu, 08 Dec 2022 20:34:25 +0000 Q&A Thursday December 15, 2022 at 11 PST| 2 EST for a one-hour Q&A session.

Dr. Ethan Russo hosts FREE cannabis Q&A

Dr. Ethan Russo answered questions about:

  • The cannabis plant
  • Cannabinoids
  • Terpenes
  • Endocannabinoid System (ECS)
  • Existing cannabis and ECS research
  • Areas of needed research
  • How cannabis and cannabis products benefit certain disease states and symptoms
  • Opportunities for new product development

The goal is for patients, caregivers, medical professionals, industry people, advocates and the general public to have a forum to ask general questions. Please note, specific questions about individual treatment and formulation will not be addressed. We cannot promise to answer every question but will do our best to cover as much information as possible.

This webinar has been made available for purchase to download here:

Hemp Roots: A Neglected Therapeutic Resource Tue, 08 Mar 2022 14:34:52 +0000 During our 4th webinar with Dr. Ethan Russo, the topic was “Hemp Roots: A Neglected Therapeutic Resource.” The webinar will took place on Thurs., March 31st at 11am PST/2pm EST via Zoom.

Purchase the webinar on demand here:

The webinar addressed:

1) Hemp roots have been used traditionally for therapeutic purposes for thousands of years.

2) Indications for hemp roots parallel those for hemp flowers despite a total lack of biochemical overlap

3) We will examine the anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties of hemp root triterpenoids and alkaloids

Who attended?

Patients, medical professionals, cannabis researchers, industry innovators, advocates and cannabis educators.

The webinar took place over Zoom with a 30 minute presentation by Dr. Ethan Russo followed up by a 30 minute Q&A session.

The on-demand webinar can be purchased here:

Webinar: Plants and the Endocannabinoid System Wed, 09 Feb 2022 13:22:18 +0000 During our 4th webinar with Dr. Ethan Russo, the topic was “Plants and the Endocannabinoid System”. The webinar took place Thur, Feb 24th at 11am PST/2pm EST.

Purchase the webinar ondemand here:

This webinar addressed:

  1. Cannabis is one plant among many that affect the human endocannabinoid system (ECS)
  2. Other plants may affect the CB1 receptor directly, or affect endocannabinoid metabolism indirectly
  3. Even common foodstuffs (e.g., carrots, chocolate, black pepper, and prebiotic fibers) can affect endocannabinoid tone
  4. Join us to learn how your diet affects the ECS!

Who attended?

Patients, medical professionals, cannabis researchers, industry innovators, advocates and cannabis educators.

The webinar took place over Zoom with a 30 minute presentation by Dr. Ethan Russo followed up by a 30 minute Q&A session.

The on-demand webinar is $22.50 and is paid via PayPal.

Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS) Webinar Thu, 16 Dec 2021 14:04:21 +0000 During our 3rd webinar with Dr. Ethan Russo, the topic was “Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS)”. The webinar took place Thur, Jan 20th at 11am PST/2pm EST. You can now watch the recorded webinar on-demand. Click here to see to see details and purchasing info here:

This webinar addressed:

  1. History and signs and symptoms of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS)
  2. Results of the largest CHS study to date: survey responses and genomic analysis with its implications
  3. Some thoughts on treatment and future direction for CHS research

Who Attended?

Patients, medical professionals, cannabis researchers, industry innovators, advocates and cannabis educators.

The webinar took place over Zoom with a 30 minute presentation by Dr. Ethan Russo followed up by a 30 minute Q&A session.

For online access to the webinar, click here for purchasing info:
